The Alkali, Ajomikole, Ben, and Gabriel families have all battled their way through the preliminary rounds, securing a spot in the coveted quarterfinals. However, Grandma used a wildcard, bringing the Williams family back into the competition. To determine who would face the Williams family and secure a spot in the semi-finals, all five families participated in a draw where the Ben family emerged as the ones to face the wildcards and play for a spot in the semi-finals while the other families advanced automatically.
To determine who would be joining the other families in the semi-finals, the two teams participated in two rounds of intense games. The first round, Kolo LoKo, involved a treasure hunt with a twist. Each team had six special coins hidden in their treasure boxes. Blindfolded, one sibling had to rely on their teammate’s verbal instructions to locate the coins and deposit them in “The Kolo” a piggy bank on a pedal stool next to the box. The game tested their communication and teamwork. After a nail-biting first round, the Williams family emerged victorious as they were able to find all 18 of Grandma’s coins, securing a perfect score of 90 points while the Ben family could only locate 13 coins finishing with 65 points.
The second round Have A Treat tested their math knowledge. One teammate stood at a podium answering questions from a list of 40 questions with a time limit of 10 seconds per question. Each correct answer allowed the other teammate positioned on a mat to take a step closer to Grandma’s treat while incorrect answers meant no movement. The competition was a fierce one and surprisingly, the round ended in a tie, with both families scoring a cumulative 150 points. To determine the winner, a tie-breaker question was posed and the Ben family emerged victorious, securing their spot in the semi-finals and the chance to compete for the grand prize.
Get ready for double the heat and fun in the Siblings Game Show (Test of Kin) semifinals. Catch all the excitement on Africa Magic Family (GOtv ch 2 & DStv ch 154) on Saturdays and Sundays at 6:30 pm. Don’t miss the reruns on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 4:00 pm!

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