Climate, environment, conflict and health risks top the list of issues that are expected to most affect the future, according to a United Nations survey released on Monday.
The issue of health rose sharply from early March, as the coronavirus pandemic spread around the world, preliminary findings showed.
The data was gathered from 186 countries in the first three months of this year as part of an initiative marking this year’s 75th anniversary of the UN.
Almost all respondents – 95 per cent – agreed that countries needed to work together to manage global challenges, with a noticeable uptick since late February, as the deadly virus spread around the globe.
Launched in January, the UN75 survey series will run throughout 2020, to give all people the opportunity to shape global priorities by participating in a UN75 dialogue or completing a one-minute survey.
Ideas on bettering international cooperation included partnerships with civil society and private companies, and greater involvement of women, youth, indigenous peoples and vulnerable groups in decision-making.
The survey showed that top future priorities were environmental protection, safeguarding of human rights, less conflict, equal access to basic services and zero discrimination.